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Maxwell Law Welcomes You

Personalised Legal Solutions

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Get to Know Us

Lisa Maxwell is the sole practitioner in Maxwell Law

Lisa deals in general law matters specifically conveyancing, relationship property divisions, contracting out agreements (prenups), Family Court proceedings for property and welfare, trusts, wills, power of attorneys and commercial matters.


Maxwell Law is able to effectively provide legal services for you wherever you are in New Zealand, however the majority of Maxwell Law clients come from the wider Wellington region, including Kapiti, Wairarapa, Hutt city, Wellington Central and suburbs. 

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Client 5

Here are some testimonials from people who have worked with Lisa in the past:

"Dealing with lawyers can be a very impersonal process, and your friendly, helpful and professional approach was quite the opposite. Your explanations of processes, and reassurances when things didn't quite go in the direction we'd anticipated were very much appreciated."


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"I really really appreciate your professionalism, knowledge and humanity in all of this process. I couldn’t have asked for a better lawyer"


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Get in Touch

Thank you for visiting our website. If you’d like to book an initial meeting with us to discuss a legal solution for you, get in touch today.

Level 2, 90 Dixon Street, Wellington
227 Chapel Street, Wairarapa 
P.O Box 32006, Maungaraki

Ph: 04 560 3636

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